

I’ve been learning the array language BQN (https://mlochbaum.github.io/BQN/index.html), which is a an array language designed and developed by Marshall Lochbaum, previously of Dyalog.

🔗 Articles

Here are some posts I’m writing in BQN, similar to my articles of The J Programming language.

🔗 Environment

I really enjoy my BQN setup in Visual Studio Code, using the BQN Language extension.
I use the DejaVu Sans Mono font as recommended by the project webpage. You can also find a link to download it there.
"[bqn]": {
  "editor.fontFamily": "DejaVu Sans Mono"
I’ll typically keep open the keymap (https://mlochbaum.github.io/BQN/keymap.html) in a window to the side so I know what keys to press with the BQN language extension. For example, \q turns into “Circle Stile" ⌽, an operator to reverse and rotate lists. I haven’t built the muscle memory quite yet.