

What if we could combine the magic of Koans with the superpower of spaced repetition learning?

๐Ÿ”— Rationale

Koans are a fantastic way to learn the shared dialogue of a new programming language (the standard library, the patterns, and the common tooling) or brush up on an old one. Solving small puzzles and seeing passing tests also gives a big dopamine hit.
Similarly, Iโ€™ve had a lot of success with Spaced Repetition using Anki (Iโ€™ve been using to memorize the capitals and flags of the world).
For learning things like dc or The J Programming language, it would be wonderful to come back every few weeks to test my knowledge of various incantations.
Input an RGB value in hexadecimal and display the corresponding RGB values in base 10
echo 66B5FF | dc -e "16i ? d100% rd100/100% rd10000/ rR f" | xargs
102 181 255

๐Ÿ”— Initial requirements

๐Ÿ”— Follow-up work